Thursday, April 7, 2016

DIY Book Flowers

April showers bring paper least in my house they do! 

Now before anyone gets upset that I cut up a book to make this craft, know that all my "free game" books come from the thrift store. It saves me money and I'm able to make something new from something someone else gave away. 

So, here are the steps that I took to make this bouquet of paper flowers.

Before you start, you'll need the following materials:
- Book Pages (duh)
- Scissors
- Floral Wire
- Wire Cutters
- Hot Glue Gun

Trim the rough edges from the paper.

 Cut your pages into spirals. 
At the very interior of each spiral cut a semi circle to form a base for your flower. 
I played around with the spiral on the left to give that flower a little more textured. 

Starting on the outer edge, curl the spiral. 
If you want your flower to have a smaller bloom, twist the spiral tightly. If you want a bigger bloom relax your grip. 

Hot glue the base of your flower to the bottom of the spiral. (The semi circle was important!)
Here's a sample of a few of the blooms I made. 
You can see how different they look depending on how tight they were twisted.

Decide how tall you want your flowers to be (this will depend on the vase height). 
Cut the wire to that length and twist the top once around the handle.

Bend the wire to 90° and hot glue it to the bottom of your flower. 

Arrange your flowers and put them some place sunny...and filled with books!

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