Friday, January 13, 2017



As the final book in the Lunar Chronicles, I wanted to love this book.
Cinder was such a great and engaging opener to the series, but this end book just didn't meet my expectations.

I think what made Winter a miss for me were the 50 million subplots throughout the book, most of which involved a romance of some sort. Every book in the Lunar Chronicles, builds off of the prior book adding a new subplot and a new set characters.

Cinder- Cinder & Prince Kai
Scarlet- Cinder & Prince Kai, Scarlet & Wolf
Cress- Cinder & Prince Kai, Scarlet & Wolf, Cress & Thorne
Winter- Cinder & Prince Kai, Scarlet & Wolf, Cress & Thorne, Winter & Jacin

That's a lot of subplot! It made the story a little jerky to me because every other chapter followed a different group of characters. 

I'm glad that I read it though, because the basis behind the series is so clever. I loved being able to see traditional fairy tales get such a unique twist.

Title: Winter
Author: Marissa Meyer
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends 
Published: November 10, 2015

Thursday, January 5, 2017

My Reading Resolution: 2017 Edition

Guess what...when you move out of state, get engaged, and get married overseas in a 4 month time span, you don't read as much as you had planned at the beginning of the year when you were single and stationary. This year had so many wonderful and unexpected life changes!

So, I'm excited to start the new year with a more realistic goal of reading one book a month. If you go through my "To Read: 2017" you can see the January-December themes.

Twelve books in twelve months. That's a resolution that will keep (and hopefully surpass). 

Feel free to join in or make a list for yourself!