Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Sea of Poppies

Sea of Poppies
This book was meant to cover my Reading Resolution to read a book set in a foreign country. A plot surrounding a slave ship being used in the illegal India/Chinese poppy trade sounds intriguing, doesn't it?

I thought so too, until I trudged through 160 pages and then called it quits because I was tired of waiting for the story to start. Every chapter introduced at least three new character, and after 6 chapters of meeting new people, I had a hard time keeping everyone's back stories and motivations straight.

If you enjoy authentic historical fiction, then you will probably enjoy Sea of Poppies. After starting this book I realized that I prefer my historical fiction to be mostly fiction with a touch of history :)

Amitav Ghosh did his homework using authentic "seaman talk" (at least that's what I dubbed it). It's lingo that was so confusing there was a whole chapter at the end of the book just to serve as a dictionary. Normally when foreign language or lingo is incorporated into a novel, you can use context clues to learn the meaning of the word. Not so with this "seaman talk" where whole conversations would go by and I was left thinking, "I hope that wasn't important." While I understand the author's desire to keep the text authentic, when the reader has to flip back and forth from the back of the book to the front of the book just to understand what the dialogue means, it kills the plot flow.

I didn't finish the book, so I don't feel that I have a right to rate it. Other people gave it rave reviews on Goodreads. I suggest you borrow it from the library and see if it's to your reading taste.

Title: Sea of Poppies
Author: Amitav Ghosh
Publisher: Back Bay Books
Published: January 17, 2014

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Life After Life

Life After Life

How do you pass the time when you're making a 12 hour round-trip drive for work...alone? 

Normally I stock up on Twizzlers and Josh Groban CDs, but this time I decided to try something new. Audio Book!

I checked out Life After Life from my local library, and I have to say it was nice company. I've never listened to a complete audio book before. I prefer the feel of having a book in my hands, to hear the character's voices how I would imagine them, and to read as much or as little as I want. 

Life After Life is the tale of one girl on a journey to get her life right, no matter how many times it takes. Through a form of reincarnation, Ursula repeatedly lives and dies throughout the book. In a game of "Is this the right choice?" Ursula's decisions lead to her drowning, dying of the plague, starving and other extreme circumstances. But as soon as her life is over, the refresh button is hit and she begins it again. What's unique is that when she is reborn, her life is the exact same but she doesn't remember any of it. 

This probably wasn't the best option for my first audio book. Life After Life involves a lot of year jumping, going from past to present and then back to the past which becomes the present. If that sounds confusing, try following it over an audio book :)

Once I got used to the time jumping, I was intrigued by the plot. It's like the choose your own adventure books I read when I was younger. One set of choices could end the story after three pages. You start over at the beginning and try a different set of pages, to find that the story lasts a little longer this time. Can you imagine living life this way? Getting third or fourth or fifteenth chances to live your life the way is was meant to be?

Life After Life shows how even the smallest decisions can have the largest impact in our life and in the course of history. What small decisions will you make today that will shape the rest of your future?

Title: Life After Life 
Author: Kate Atkinson
Publisher: Back Bay Books
Published: January 17, 2014
Available: AmazonBook Depository, and Barnes and Noble

The spring blossoms are pretty amazing right now, so I took some shots and added a few quotes from the book. Feel free to share! 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Never Let Me Go/ On Such a Full Sea

Ever since The Hunger Games dystopian plots have taken over fiction titles...and not just YA.

Two books on my Goodreads list were Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro and On Such a Full Sea by Chang-Rae Lee. Well, I went to the library and these two were both on the shelves, so I checked them out. I don't purposefully try to read books that are similar in plot lines, so I was interested to see how these two books would compare.

I know. I know. Every book is different, and you shouldn't compare one title to the next. But just because you shouldn't doesn't mean you don't. 

I read Never Let Me Go first, so I'll start here. 

Kazuo Ishiguro is an author that I read in high school. His book The Remains of the Day is considered a classic read, so naturally the English department had that on our required reading for the year. Never Let Me Go had a very similar tone to The Remains of the Day, which unfortunately was not my favorite book. 

Never Let Me Go follows a group of children that were raised in Halisham, a mysterious boarding school. As they grow from children to teens to young adults, the main characters Kathy, Ruth, and Tommy reflect on their time spent together in the secretive institution.

Ishiguro is a beautiful writer in terms of the language and his ability to create visually memorable scenes. He writes like a painter, putting emotion onto paper in a way that the reader feels his words. A wonderful writer, BUT his story is written like one long flashback. It was hard for me to get drawn into the story when the plot line kept getting interrupted by, "It reminded me of when" or, "I thought back to the year." 

The jumping from present to past to the even further past and then back to the present was jarring for me. Just when I was digging into the scenario on hand, the year would change, the location would change, the personality of the characters would change and I'd have to refamiliarize myself with story. 


The ending was a little predictable. A group of children are in a private one is allowed to leave and no one is allowed in...when the children reach a certain age they are sent away and never come back. Come on, what do you think is going on? 

Science experiments? Organ Donations? Clones? It sounds all too familiar. 

Title: Never Let Me Go
Author: Kazuo Ishiguro
Publisher: Knopf
Published: March 14, 2006

Then there's On Such a Full Sea.

This book involves a young girl, Fan, who leaves her city unit B-Mor in search of her boyfriend. She's pregnant and when he goes missing, risks her life and her unborn baby's life to find him. Fan meets a strange array of characters on her search, and when I say strange, I mean it feels like they are straight out of a beautiful but odd Cirque du Soleil performance. 

The book is futuristic, and Lee takes liberty to make it a bleak and crazy future. There were portions of the book that I had to reread because I'd think, "Wait, what just happened?" I felt like I was reading someone's trippy dream journal because the plot jumps from one really weird situation to the next really weird situation. It had the hint of a Tim Burton movie, where each character is so unique and memorable, but everything is so dark. 

I did think that Fan was well written and Lee created unforgettable characters and situations. There are also some very beautiful passages from this book that are both wise and poetic:

"It's not that we're too fearful or comfortable, too cautious or reluctant, but that, as we have never experienced life outside these bounds...the reach of our thoughts has a near ceiling. Imagination might not be limitless. It's still tethered to the universe of what we know, and as wild as our dreams might be, we can't help but read them with the same grounded circumspection that guided our forebears when they mapped out our walls."

"And too intense a longing, everyone knows, can lead to poor decisions, rash actions, hopes that become outsized and in turn deform reality."

Three stars. Same rating...different reasons!

Title: On Such a Full Sea
Author: Chang-Rae Lee
Publisher: Riverhead Books
Published: December 2, 2014